How to safely remediate dangerous structures — a guide built on experience by Paul Ford.
Whether it follows a devastating fire, an explosion, a collapse, poor practices or something much more sinister, what must be considered when you are required to make a dangerous structure safe?
Paul Ford’s book offers guidance on what legally constitutes a Dangerous Structure and how to safely secure the site. It provides detailed examples of various incidents and the appropriate remedial actions that were taken. It explains a procedural approach to any scale of dangerous structure and outlines how contractors, local authorities and emergency services engage. It also recounts the author’s experience of attending Grenfell Tower in the immediate aftermath of that terrible tragedy and how the building was stabilised.
I wrote this book to help industry colleagues and interested parties understand how to make safe Dangerous Structures safe. All monies raised through the book’s sale will go to charity. Having been involved at Grenfell Tower since the tragedy in 2017, we have witnessed the incredible resilience and bravery of the community. We have also had our operatives work in the most traumatic of environments. The book will raise money to support people much less fortunate than ourselves us and hopefully help them to overcome some of the trauma they have experienced. It is about giving back in any way we can. 72% will go towards Grenfell charities and good causes and 28% will go to Mates-In-Mind, a charity that helps the mental well-being of construction workers.Paul Ford, Author